Kenneth Wright
Military & Social Historian
My talks and lectures are always accompanied by a Powerpoint presentation in order to add to the interest of the subject matter. Where appropriate, I will bring with me relevant artefacts which can be seen and even in some cases handled by my audience.
Some examples of my talks are:
The Great War featuring individual battles, its impact on social and domestic life, the effects on industry and its lasting legacies.
Did you know? At the outbreak of the War in August 1914, the British Government was so concerned about the hoarding of gold sovereigns that a consequential shortage of money in the system might strangle the economy. This led to the first paper money issued by H.M. Treasury designed and printed in just 7 days!
D-Day Landings and the Battle of Normandy The largest ever amphibious invasion in history, which, due to modern intelligence and surveillance could never be repeated on such a scale. Talks cover both the preparation in UK as well as the invasion and battles that followed.
Did you know? Within the complement of 30 men in the first glider to touch down at Pegasus Bridge just after midnight on 6th June 1944, were two men from the same town, Stourbridge in the West Midlands. These were one of the two pilots and also the first officer to be killed on D-Day.
The story of both World Wars in song. Accompanied by a musician, I explore the history of music and song in both world wars and the important role they played in boosting morale at home and on the battlefield. There will be an opportunity for the audience to join in the choruses.
Did you know? There really was a “Mademoiselle from Armentières” as described in the ever-popular song. She was a feisty barmaid who is now buried and commemorated in Armentières communal cemetery in Northern France.
Armentières Communal Cemetery, France
The History of the Morgan Sports car. This iconic and quintessentially British car manufacturer has been producing sports cars at its factory in Malvern, Worcestershire for over 100 years. I am fortunate to be a part- time employee of the company which allows me to take a close interest in the company’s history.
Did you know? After the First World War, to satisfy demand for the car in France, Morgans were also built under licence just outside Paris. – They were called the Darmont Morgan.

The first paper money issued by H M Treasury in August 1914